Here is my birthday boy, yesterday he turned 4 years old! One of his biggest wishes for the day, was to get a Star Wars laser sword. His grandparents gave him that! He was so happy :) I think it was the most popular toy he got, besides for a Ben Ten "watch".
Anyhow, despite the tough days for us now, with my husband (my sons father) in hospital we had a really nice celebration. He got cake and lots of presents, and we had a lot of children and parents to celebrate the day with us.
Well I am soon off to my daily visit at the hospital... it's really hard, but I need to go. Just to see him and hold his hand. Even though he's all asleep in a medical ventilator, I pray and hope he hears my voice. Maybe it comforts him to hear me talking to him. The nurses all say that the last sense you lose before you fall asleep is your hearing ability. Have a nice Sunday!
Anyhow, despite the tough days for us now, with my husband (my sons father) in hospital we had a really nice celebration. He got cake and lots of presents, and we had a lot of children and parents to celebrate the day with us.
Well I am soon off to my daily visit at the hospital... it's really hard, but I need to go. Just to see him and hold his hand. Even though he's all asleep in a medical ventilator, I pray and hope he hears my voice. Maybe it comforts him to hear me talking to him. The nurses all say that the last sense you lose before you fall asleep is your hearing ability. Have a nice Sunday!

Stort TILLYKKE med din store dreng. Hvis der kun skal et lyssværd til for at gøre ham glad, så er det jo fantastisk.
Rigtig god bedring med din mand. Det må være hårdt ikke at vide, hvad der er galt.
Stort knus
So cute dear! What a lovely boy, congratulations Jeanette!
Hugs Kristel
Håper virkelig det går bra med mannen din!! Dette må være fryktelig hardt for deg og Peder! Er han på bedringens vei? Krysser fingrene for han!
Gratulerer så mye med 4 års dagen til Peder! Som åra flyr! Han er virkelig blitt stor! Mange klemmer fra meg!
Hej igen
Da året skriftede begyndte jeg at skrive i min sidebar, hvad jeg lavede af kreationer. Den har jeg så opdateret hele året. LOerne har jeg ikke lavet så mange af, så dem skriver jeg nummer på hver gang og det tal er i alt ever, nogensinde ; ) : )
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