Now, Christmas is soon here, and I'm soon finished doing everything a mom (and wife) has to do before Christmas. 3 things are not done yet: buying some food for the holidays (the pinnekjøtt is in the fridge though), getting a Christmas tree and cleaning the apartment. These 3 things will be done tomorrow! My husband will buy a tree - he promised me!
Seems like a lot to do, but acutally, after doing some Christmas shopping today, I'm not worried. It will be Christmas this year as well, and I think it will be good.
My son is going to kindergarden for some hours tomorrow, so I can finish my 'chores'.
Late yesterday I decorated 5 big chocolate bars for the staff at the kindergarden (where my son's going), I will post photos of them later (probably tomorrow).
I wish you all a very beautiful - and hopefully snowy - Christmas!

Det lyder som om, du snart er klar.
God jul til dig og din familie.
Kram Karina
Innom for å ønske deg og dine en riktig god jul og et fantastisk nytt år.
Juleklem fra Heidi
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