I got this award from
She wrote this sweet comment:
Jeanette:Legger alltid igjen de koseligste kommentarene:) Og har utviklet scrappestilen enormt den siste tiden!!! Takk for all den inspirasjonen du har gitt meg inne på Mammanett:)
I'm supposed to give this to 5 others.
These are:
Anne Bente: She always has a nice comment - and is a frequent visitor on my blog. Always has something nice to say!
Vibeke: She always has some time to visit each and everyone of you and leave a nice comment. Also she has the capability to change her layouts a lot. She's not "trapped" in one kind of style.
Linda: She's such a sweet girl, always with some nice comment to give, on my layouts and photos, or cards. She's a very good friend. Really appreciates her. She's a really talented scrapbooker and cardmaker as well :-D.
Nina: She's a really good scrapbooker, has changed her style a bit lately, but I think it's suits her fine :). She's one of the best photographers - and you really can see that on her layouts. Finds time to visit each and everyone of us here in the "blog world"!
Last but not least:
Karina: She's quite a new talent - started in January 2008. But I think she's very good, she makes layouts and cards - and you should visit her blog! She always has a nice comment to leave in my blog.
There are so many nice bloggers out there, talented scrapbookers, you should have received this all of you. But for now. These girls above was chosen. It's always nice to read you comments, and I love to visit your blogs to comment your work as well!