This page is from the same vacation (Vietnam), and from a beach just 2-3 hours away (north) from Nha Trang. There were almost nobody at the beach, and Peder was in total harmony playing with an empty coconut-shell. I really enjoy the picture and the page. One thing I'm not that pleased with is that the title is a bit too close to the picture. But unfortunately I can't change it now!
Thanks for looking! :)
God Morgen!
Så masse flott det var i bloggen din jeane. Masse flott inspirasjone å finne her!
Klart du kan linke, men bare hvis jeg får linke tilbake. =o)
Ha en flott dag og ikke minst helg.
Klem fra Heidi
Denne var skikkelig lekker! :) Liker den enkle stilen du har brukt. :)
hvor er den dog flot, lækkert opsæt også :)
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